
The submissions deadline is October 15, 2014.

Extension : The submission deadline is December 1, 2014.

New Extension : The submission deadline is December 14, 2014.

Last Extension : The submission deadline is January 4, 2015.



All presentation of the conference are oral presentations.

Authors should submit an extended abstract of at most 2 pages in english or french, written in latex format, using the template included in the submission link given below :

The submission should address one or several of the conference areas or topics.

Each paper should clearly indicate:

  • the problem(s),
  • the methodology used to solve it (them)
  • its technical/scientific contribution,
  • domains or environments to which it is applicable (in case of application).

The authors list should indicate as first author the speaker of the paper.

We invite authors who want, in addition, to participate to the "best paper awards" to indicate an url link  in which a more complete technical report of their extended abstract can be found.

The acceptation of the paper in the conference will be based only on the extended abstract.

The following call for papers summarized the informations :  ORPA2015Call_1.pdf

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